Our Services

a group of lit candles
a group of lit candles

Project Exploitation

We help EU project consortia to exploit results, develop customer-oriented products and services and implement solutions with interested clients.

- We lead work packages on exploitation, technology transfer and business development.

- We provide guidance to all partners in taking innovations to the next level.

- We are experienced in FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe and other programmes.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

Organisation Development

We help form and advance non-profit and for-profit organisations into long-term viable entities delivering valuable solutions to society.

- We develop tailored strategies and practical models to improve organisation success.

- We advise clients on organisation development and financial growth.

- We are experienced in starting and building small and medium-sized enterprises and advising large entities.

brown and white paper bag
brown and white paper bag

Investment and Funding

We help innovators find the financing necessary to further develop solutions towards market readiness and commercialisation.

- We seek investment from public, private and hybrid sources.

- We consult clients on financing from research prototypes to marketable solutions.

- We are experienced in public funding, debt financing, equity and early-stage investment.

a group of people sitting around a wooden table
a group of people sitting around a wooden table

Project Coordination

We help manage and implement complex projects with multi-disciplinary, multi-national, multi-cultural teams to deliver successful results.

- We build collaborative consortia to achieve project goals and execute effectively.

- We provide leadership to guide teams from conceptualisation through implementation.

- We are experienced in developing and leading large, complex innovation projects.